Thursday, June 12, 2008

A new beginning

Reality has set in. I have just spent the last two weeks closing out what will from this point forward be known as my “old life.” Here I sit on a plane bound for South Africa and a direction that I cannot course.

It all happened so quickly and fell so perfectly into place. In one week’s time, I decided to put all my worldly possessions into storage, give up my life in New York and set out for South Africa to live in Capetown with my new landlord Renier. What was once going to be a trip to launch me into my new lifestyle has literally become that very lifestyle!

I am so excited to see what the next several months will bring. Always scripted and well-planned, my life has become something that I have given up control over. And in doing so, already I can see amazing things happen. Following your passion, I think, results in the manifestation of what it is you are truly meant to do and more importantly, the person you are meant to be. Wonderful people and unbelievable opportunities are already starting to reveal themselves as I begin to open myself up to… well anything!

Everything is possible as my mindset has shifted. I never knew I could be so happy… or at peace.

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